What a lovely week it has been! My poor blog has been neglected as I've been in the garden all week making the most of the weather. Well, either the garden or a lovely new shop I found... It sells CK and Emma Bridgewater and all the lovely stuff I, well, love. Today this bag just hopped onto Master C's pram and demanded to be taken home. It was only £5 and it is EB and in keeping with the union jack trend so really it would have been rude not to.
Also this week I have been building. My fabric stash that is! Ooops...
I've gone Grandma-Chic and love it! Loving the florals at the moment. The candy stripe stuff was a CS find, a lovely jacket that had it of been my size I would have kept in my wardrobe I think! I'd actually gone 'thrifting' for the first time when I picked this lot up, or that was the plan. I didn't find anything minus the shirt and a man's white linen shirt and was quite disappointed. I didn't find any of the wonderful things that the girls on SCC had blogged about!
I made these little flower yo-yo's with my new stash. I had never done them before and I knew they were meant to be easy, but not that easy! I love them. I'm going to turn them into hair clips and brooches. It's quite addictive, but I think it's because they are so quick and so many of my craft projects take so long, it's nice to see something come together immdiately.
I made them in the garden today whilst Master C was playing in his make shift paddling pool which is actually a long stacking box. It was so quick and easy to fill up that he might have that all summer. I also built him a tee pee...
That my runner beans have now adopted... Master C can actually run in and sit inside his den if he so desired. He actually prefers to shake the sticks so maybe this will be more suitable for next year? The pale pink hanging basket is Laura Ashley and comes in pale blue and green too, very cute.
Oh, and in between all of that I covered this lampshade for a friend for her little boy's room.
So this week has been satisfyingly good and I have enjoyed it :) x