Wednesday 10 August 2011

Oh, Happy Days

As usual, I have been a tad busy to post on here.. I think it's a habit thing, maybe once I get into the swing of things I will get better and *might* start posting once a week?

Lots of things have been going on in my life and I can't wait to share! I need to get this holiday season out of the way and get some lovely posts up. One of the things I have been doing is a little sideline cupcake business. I find it so pleasurable, baking. I read somewhere that people are often either a chef or a baker, that it's quite unusual for somebody to be both an exceptional chef and baker. I feel that I am quite an accomplished cook but my heart lies with baking!
I keep seeing day courses to learn with a professional the art of cupcake decorating. It's quite expensive, around £200, but for a business type course apparently that is quite reasonable. I'd love to do that as although my cakes sell well, I'd love to have someone teach me the amazing stuff! It'd be an investment of course. I tell Mr C that most things are an investement. Not quite sure if he believes me...

In June I also planned and pulled off a double baby shower! It was such a good party and I felt so honoured to be able to serve the two lovely mummies-to-be in that way. Unfortunately, I forgot my camera. DOH. I do have copies of the invites I designed so I'll try and dig those out for the next post. I'm planning another baby shower for November (yes planning has begun!) so I'll make sure to document that one! 

Anyway, I hope that you have been blessed with lazy summer days, you've laughed until your sides hurt, and you have eaten cake until you think you might pop! I know I have...!!


P.S. I was a bit of a grump this morning until I went to a hoola hoop class at my gym with my Grandmother and her friend. Oh.My.Word. It was HILARIOUS!! Defo recommend if you need cheering up :)

1 comment:

  1. Hiya Jessica,
    Thanks for the comment on rocky road, you can really put anything you like in it, I was thinking a smashed up crunchie would be nice! I used a 20x30cm tin (roughly) and the choc mix was 400g chocolate, about 100g of butter and couple of tablespoons of golden syrup - gives it kinda a fudgy taste, but you could just do all chocolate, or make it with milk chocolate and then melt white chocolate over the top or something! Happy baking! xx
