Friday 22 January 2010

Home is where the heart is

I know it's a bit of a cliché, but I really do believe that home is where the heart is. Now, by that I don't mean bricks and mortar, I mean wherever your heart is at, that is home. Or, it could be a person even. Have you ever felt that when you met that one special person who you plan on spending the rest of your life with, that you felt that when you met them, you had come home?

Regardless of your definition of home, I just like hearts! I hang them on door handles or sometimes a random nail or hook which just happens to be there waiting for something pretty to hang from it.

Sometimes when I am a little bored and feel like I have nothing better to do, I make a little heart. Because I love doing it, and because I feel like we live in such a negative, bad world, our home should feel like a safe haven. Protective and snug. When you enter, it should feel like you have entered your own little world. Personally I like my home to be warm, full of hugs and smelling of sunshine. Well, I bought some fabric conditioner which apparen
tly smells of sunshine so that's good enough for me!

Where or what is your home? And what makes it special for YOU?

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